6 Weeks Old!!!!

Time is flying by! Puppies are 6 Weeks old Already

We love to play outside, try new foods and keep our g’ma super busy! We have had adult and kid visitors which is very fun too. G’ma says we are getting close to going to our new families. We are excited about meeting them. Next weekend is going to be busy; g’ma says someone is going to come over to do ‘puppy aptitude tests’ on us. Then we get to go see the veterinarian for our check ups. AFTER that, we get matched with our new families.



Fuller Chioma Dayo “Ki” / Fuller Bamm Bamm’s Got Edge “Bamm”

& Fuller Ntombimuzikayise Sifiso “Tomi” / Legend Boss “Boss”

We are so excited about both of these litters.

Ki has consistently produced beautiful pups with great temperaments. No matter who we pair her with, she does not disappoint. This breeding with Bamm doubles back on our foundation dogs Nzuri & Johari. I have been waiting awhile to bring back some of Johari into our breeding program. I am excited to say that I see a lot of her in this litter.

This is Tomi’s first litter and she is proving to be an excellent mom. We paired her with Boss as we felt that his excellent conformation would enhance Tomi’s. We also felt that his strong, confident demeanor would go along well with Tomi’s easy going temperament. The puppies are gorgeous and we are excited about seeing them grow.

Please enjoy the pictures bellows. Pictures will be added to this post throughout the week, including individual profile pics. Under the photos you will find an update on what the pups have been up to.

At 5 Weeks old the puppies are enjoying playing outside, eating a solid RAW diet, exploring new toys and adventures daily. Over the next few weeks they will be exposed to new sounds, textures, people, food, etc.

Ki Nzuri Puppies! DOB 01-14-2019

We are so excited about this litter and cannot wait to see how they develop! They are now 1.5 weeks old and are going through ENS (early neurological stimulation), scooting around, and have their eyes open! We’ve dubbed this litter the ‘007 James Bond’ litter as we expect some very strong BB’s to come from this amazing combination. Join us on FB and watch them grow and develop! TAP ON THE PIC TO GO THROUGH THE SLIDESHOW

Flirt Pole Puppy Play

Flirt poles are a great tool for exercise and training with your Boerboel. The movement can mimic that of small prey, which works up their natural prey drive. It is both mentally stimulating and physically demanding. When using a flirt pole with a Boerboel who is still growing, it is important to be careful of the impact on their bones/joints. Keep the prey on the ground so they are not jumping up and coming down hard. During the tug portion, pull straight out or low, not up, to protect their neck. This is also a great time to get some training in. "Drop it", "Wait", "Watch It" ....all these are easily taught with the flirt pole. As your Boerboel matures and the prey drive increases, you will be able to teach an 'out' which means disengage immediately.