Test Blog Summary - Category - Health & Wellness
The only problem with this strategy is that it only shows 30 results. The other option with the text link that shows all actual blog posts does not have a limit (I think).
It only takes a quick search on the internet to find article after article about the ill effects that vaccines can have. Not every dog will develop a long-term disease, but when they do it is devastating.
I’m sure you’ve read about the Boerboel being a ‘wash & wear’ breed. True, but there are a few other things to think about, so I’ll share our grooming habits with our BB’s.
What is that? The simple term is ‘an enlarged prostate’.
As with so many things on our Boerboel journey, I feel that we are allowed to experience trials and tribulations in order to help others understand things that happen. This year has been quite the challenge for us and I watched my Baby Bu struggle on and off throughout the year. Two weeks ago I thought I would loose him…………..
There are a lot of questions surrounding the issue of cardiac testing in the Boerboel world. A lot of phrases are thrown out and more breeders are doing some level of cardiac testing than in the previous years. I am writing this blog in hopes to help the average owner, breeders and prospective owner understand the differences between levels of testing and results…………..
It’s a word that no dog owner wants to hear. A word that brings immense heart ache and a very sudden conclusion. Lymphoma has been ‘heard’ here in our own little Boerboel world and as with all trials and tribulations in this breed, I’m drawn to share, to shed light, to help others to understand……
It seems that every vet office is now offering teeth cleaning for your pets which involves putting them under sedation. There's a better way...…….
All systemic treatment have the possibility of causing severe harm or even death to some animals. I am sharing this story from my good friend Tamara and her beloved Boerboel Fuller Faru to help people be aware.
When we lived in the beautiful mountains of sunny California, our dogs had almost year round access to lush green grass, weeds and bushes. Our first Spring here in Idaho when the snow began to melt I noticed the dogs desperately looking and digging to find grass. The first sprig of a green bush or grass blade to appear was quickly gobbled up.